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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Internal Parts of the Body

Internal Parts of the Body

Image result for human external body part
  • heart - your heart pumps your blood around your body.
  • lungs - when you breathe, the air goes into your lungs.
  • veins - these transport blood through your body. They are like little tubes.
  • brain - this is your 'thinking machine' inside your head.
  • throat - food goes down this to get to your stomach.
  • liver - the organ that cleans your blood.
  • stomach - your food goes here when you swallow it.
  • kidneys - the organs that process all your body waste.
  • skeleton - all of the bones in your body.
  • ribs - these are the bones that protect the organs in your chest.
  • bones - your skeleton consists of many bones. There are about 206 in your body.
  • skin - it covers almost the entire body and helps keep all the organs and muscles in place.


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