External Body Parts
- Hair: grown on top of the head.
- Head: part of the body that's on top of your neck
- Ears: on each side of the head and used for hearing.
- Neck: connects the head to the body.
- Shoulder: connects the to arm and to the base of the neck
- Arms: Used for touching things
- Chest: is the below the neck and above the stomach.
- Arm pit: joint where the arm connects to the shoulder
- Nipple: small projection of a woman's or girl's breast
- Stomach: is used for digesting food.
- Navel: The little hole in in the center of a person's belly
- Waist: Part of the body just above hips.
- Elbow: is between the forearm and the upper arm
- Forearm: Is between the wrist and elbow.
- Back: is rear surface of the body from the shoulders to the hips.
- Small of the back: is the lower part of the back.
- Hips: from the waist to the top of the leg.
- Waist: is just above the hips
- Groin: above the thigh on either side of the body
- Buttocks: Sometimes called bottom or behind.
- Thigh: part of the leg between the hip and the knee
- Knee: connects the lower and upper leg.
- Calf: muscle at the back of the lower leg
- Shin: front of the leg below the knee
- Heel: is the back part of the foot below the ankle.
- Arch of foot: where the bottom of the foot curves.
- Ball of foot: The padded portion of the sole of the human foot between the toes and the arch.
- Instep: The padded portion foot between the toes and the arch
- Toe nails: covers the end of the top of the toes.
- Ankle: connects the foot to the leg
- Foot: the lower part of the leg below the ankle
- Big toe: each foot has 2 big toes
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Whole Body parts |
Teeth and its Importance
Teeth and its importance part of our body. Teeth give shape and structure to the face. Teeth help us to bite and chew our food. Teeth help in speech. We are able to form words and speak clearly.
The first set of teeth which appear in a baby are called milk teeth. By the age of two years, the child hàs twenty teeth.
At the age of six years, the milk teeth begin to fall. New teeth, which come in the place of old teeth, are called permanent teeth. By the age of twenty-five years an adult has thirty-two teeth.
Different kinds of teeth and its importance:
We have three kinds of teeth. They have different functions.
1. Incisors are the biting teeth:
The front teeth are thin, flat and harp. We use them to bite into the food.
2. Canines are the tearing teeth:
These teeth are pointed and used to tear off pieces of food.
3. Molars are the grinding teeth:
These teeth are at the back. They are broad, flat and strong. They are used to chew food.
Teeth have their roots in the gums.
What will happen to our teeth if we do not take good care of our teeth?
If we do not take good care of our teeth then:
(i) Food particles will remain between the teeth.
(ii) Bacteria will thrive on these food particles.
(iii) This will cause a foul smell.
(iv) The teeth will decay. Gums will get infected.
(v) This may result in a toothache.
How can we take good care of our teeth?
(i) We should brush our teeth every morning.
(ii) We should also clean the tongue and massage the gums after brushing.
(iii) Eat plenty of fibrous fruits and raw vegetables to clean and strengthen teeth
(iv) Wash and gargle every time after we eat something.
(v) We should brush our teeth at night before bedtime.
Hair and its Importance
How to take care of our hair and its importance to the body?
Everybody is born with hair on their head. Different hairstyles make each of us look different.
Hair also serves another important purpose. It prevents loss of body heat through the head.
Look at the hair of your friend his or her hair is of different colors and textures. Some have light brown hair. Some have brown - black and even black hair.
Some have straight hair and some have curly hair.
If we look carefully we will find some people have shiny hair. Shiny hair is healthy hair. They take good care of their hair. We should also take care of our hair.
How should we take care of our hair?
(i) We should wash our hair regularly. If hair is not washed regularly, lice will breed in our hair.
(ii) We should always comb our hair neatly.
(iii) We should always use our own comb.
(iv) We should clean our comb regularly.
(v) We should apply oil on the scalp and hair regularly.
(vi) Hair should be kept short or tied neatly to protect it from dust.
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